Tuesday 6 December 2011

:) x10

Lately in life, its becomming too easy for us to take our blessings for advantage. Many of us have been blessed with fully funtioning arms and legs. But we dont stop to think what we would do without these. I wanted a pair of shoes and when I was on my way to town to purchase them...I stopped. Looked infront of me...and saw a man with no feet. Be happy for what you already have, and remember to thank god for it all. Its often the most important factors we forget to consider.
To everyone reading this, I propose a challenge:

Everyday, find 10 things that make you smile. Here are mine.

1)My family
2) Friends
3) College (it really does haha)
4) Music, esp my iPod
5) My little brother
6) My tweethearts!!!
7) Chocolate (omg what i would do without it, godnoes)
8) Snuggling up on the sofa
9) Still getting a thrill everytime i visit my grandma x
10) Unexpected money coming in just when you need it most.

Your turn.

Monday 14 November 2011

30 things before I turn 30...

I know that I am only 17, nearing 18. but during the past few weeks I have come across so many things that I want to do. And its also compulsory to make a "things to do before 30" list. So here it goes (no preference).
1) Sky dive
2) Eat an entire box of pizza all by myself.
3) Own a range rover.
4) Visit the tamotina festival
5) Jet-ski
7) Travelling
8) Drink my bodily mass in coffee
9) Camping
10) Not sleep for an entire day
11) Read an entire book. Properly.
12) Visit the 7 wonders
13) Step foot on all 7 continents
14) Make friends with at least 5 stranger off the street.
15) Skiing
16) Conquer at least one of my fears.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Redox or Detox?

Okay, okay. I know that I have been off college for almost 9weeks, BUT I swear to you, I have had NO time to blog. So here's a quick 5minute update on all things me. Follow me through this window......

Ok no window, but still continue to read for me :)

Welllll.. I survived, what most would probably call the greatest, bravest adv of my life. I went India all alone and worked, and surprisingly survived... But it wasnt all chocolates and roses..

Here are my top 5 lessons on How to Survive the Indian Vibe.

1) Almost always opt for rickshaws. They are much cheaper, and kinda fun acctually. Often people think that they are slow, and tiring. But I'll let you in on a secret... My rickshaw driver was Michal Shumacher in disguise.

2) Always find a respectable place to eat. Doesnt have to be a 5* hotels. You could get equally as nice food in a nice resturant. The toilets are always a way to tell if the place is appropriate or not.

3) You will always be asked to sing the national anthem of India everytime you go to the cinema. But be careful, India 'filum' fans are mad. M-A-D.

4) Nearly everything is worth it. If you spend money on a top hotel, you WILL recieve the top of hospitalities. Being lucky enough to stay at the Sahara Star, I was fortunate to experience some of India's most respectable people.

5) When I went to the hospital, for my placement, I got approached by many people that said I inspired them.. what they dont know is, how much they have inspired me! Everybody has their own story and their own pair of shoes. Never judge anyone unless you have walked a mile in their shoes.

- O yeah, remember to keep smiling always! X

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Mumbai City!

Sooooo... I'm off to the city of dreams tonight! With excitement, comes responsibility, and a hell of a lot more! Lets take into account that I have NEVER been anywhere by myself! But hey ho, there's a first time for everything!

Im psyched for my placement there! A wonderful oppurtunity, where I will be able to shadow pharmacists, doctors all sorts! I'm literally buzzing!

Okay guys, time to go finish packing. Will try my so very best to keep you updated!

Wish me luck! X

Tuesday 7 June 2011


1. I let the dogs out. It was me.

2. I love everyone. Some people I love to see. Some people I love to avoid. Some people I would love to throw a brick at.

3. I hate starting conversations. Ugh, I feel like such an annoyance.

4. I love making people feel better about themselves!

5. U smile. I smile.

6. I would do so much for a tap that gave me hot melted chocolate instead of H2O.

7. Whilst we're on the subject - I won't share my iPod. It's an iPod. Not an usPod. Get over it.

8. My family are the most important thing in the world to me. So much love for them <3. Can't really stand people who lie to their family. I think they should be locked away and beaten up.

9. I HATE FEET. My biggest pet peave. Seriousely, cannot stand feet. They make me VOM.

10. Nothing hurts me more than when somebody eats the last cookie. That was a joke. Truth is, I find it r e a l l y difficult to share feelings :S.. so i just avoid it, turns out being happy is a simpler way of life!

Friday 29 April 2011

Your Royal Highness

Okay so today has been one of the most patriotic days ever! The Royal wedding was such a beautiful event to appreciate - and to witness the thousands of people around the world celebrating was just wow. Although this wedding has mainly been about Pippa Middleton's amazing arse, no one could miss how stunning Kate Middleton looked. I think the entire nations is excited and eager to invite the new princess.

Just imagine... waking up as a normal girl and going to sleep as a Princess. I can't even.

Kate middleton didn't throw her bouquet, to respect her husband she is going to lay it on princess diana's grave.. how beautiful is that? And whats even more magical is that They reserved a seat for Diana.. thats the sweetest thing ever!!!

Im sure Lady Di would have been up to her neck proud of Prince William.

So as the Royal Wedding celebrations lead on... I have revision to do. Sucks, right?

Friday 22 April 2011

#100factsaboutme (2)

28) I've lived in... 2 milleniums, 2 centuries, 3 decades and I'm not even 18 yet. How cool am I?

29) I wish my vacuum went "OM NOM NOM NOM" whenever it sucked anything up.

30) I hate when ugly people say "I need my beauty sleep" Bitch you need to hibernate

31) I love stopping the microwave at 00:01 just to feel like a bomb defuser

32) Me and chocolate. The eternal affair.

33) I have recently discovered that depressing moment when you cant fit under your bed anymore.

34) I feel like Marge Simpson when i have my wet hair in a towel on top of my head.

35) I think coffee has been my longest, most successful relationship.

36) Some of you walked in my life and made it better, others walked out and made it f***ing fantastic.

37) I like that attractive face you pull just before you sneeze.. ;-)

38) I am a happy person, not because everything in my life is right.. but my attitude to everything in life is right..

39) I wanna pet panda...

40) I woke up this morning feeling like P diddy, till i realised its 2 degrees outside and im gonna have to dress like a shabby old biddie.

41) When it comes to washing my hair - I wish i was a boy

42) I have fallen in love with j-lo….once again.

43) I secretly still watch Tweenies.

44) I am a shower singer.

45) I don't have Bieber Fever - I have Beiber terminal illness,

46) i'm nice to the weird kid so when they snap.. they'll spare my life.

47) I would trade most of the people I know in real-life for the people I know on Twitter

48) My addiction for The Script has returned.

49) If women ruled the world there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other

50) Being single doesn't always mean that you're not good enough for anyone, but sometimes means that nobody is good enough for you.

Tuesday 19 April 2011


1. This is going to be harder than I thought
2. I hate feet – I actually cant stand them
3. My life consists of eating waffles on a daily basis.
4. Sport just isn’t my thang.
5. I wish I lived aborad.
6. I love lovely lovely funny people!
7. I am lucky enough to know some of the best people this world has ever seen!
8. Family comes before EVERYTHING.
9. I don’t hate anyone.. I’m just not thrilled by their existence.
11. I often sit in class thinking how the hell the teacher got the job?
12. I am NOT a nerd.. more of an Intellectual badass.
13. I am incredibly CLUMSY!
14. Be different and promote Genetic Diversity ;-)))
15. If I don’t laugh then it’s NOT FUNNY…….ok dad?
16. I prefer twitter over facebook………anyday.
17. I think Indian music is miles better than eng 
18. I think common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power.
19. I hate BUSSES
21. Chilli sauce is.my.life
22. My life is somewhat complete.
23. Movies make me cry way way too much!
24. I think it’s a mission plugging your charger in the dark
25. One day I will find whoever takes my socks in the middle of the night x
26. I hope history repeats itself, I R E A L L Y want a dinosaur.
27. I don’t chase.. I replace. Remember that
Ok, shall finish this of later xoxo

Friday 15 April 2011

Why should we Abort Abortion?

My friend recently confided in me about her decision to undergo an abortion, after her one-night stand. My initial reaction was to judge her stupidity. However after several days; she had explained that she was unaware that her contraception was at fault – I began to think otherwise...
Prior to its legalisation in 1973, the subject was, and arguably still has, maintained its position of being one of the most controversial topics in modern day history. With essential arguments from the people who are Anti-Abortion, feeling that it is very similar to murder, there is strong research combined with law which proves that this is not the case.
Many women around the world have continually classified this topic as taboo. But there are also many women who are perhaps in the same position as my friend, that need the advice, and more importantly your support.
The endless talks concerning that it is unfair on the hopeful child that we terminate the mothers pregnancy are all too extreme. Scientifically, and stated, in the Abortion Act 1973; during the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy – when abortion is most likely to occur, there is nothing present in the mothers womb, but a foetus; which in reality are just a bunch of cells. So in reality you are not 'murdering' a being, just destroying some cells.
Statistics reveal that teenage pregnancies have risen by 60% over the past decade, and the rates of abortion have followed. It may be the situation where the parents will disapprove, or simply that you may not be ready. The option to abort the foetus gives teenagers, and even young adults a second chance. Facts, figures and fashion are all things to take into account. But what about the impact it leaves upon women? Every statistic unveils a personal story.
A greater aspect to consider is your financial position. If it is apparent that you may struggle caring for your forthcoming child, surly not to continue with the pregnancy is a thought to acknowledge? Also, if you have been made aware prior to the birth of your child that there may be slight possibilities that your child will have certain disabilities, then aren't you lucky that abortion would be readily available for you and that you can put an end to a child suffering even before it begins?
“I myself have been through this process. I knew inside that I wasn't going to cope looking after a child, it took me many weeks to arrive to this decision. Of course, I was called 'names' for months.. 5years on, I have no regrets. I didn't take a hasty decision..” says Maria, Cardiff.
The recent event of the young, vulnerable African women who faced the terrors of rape has opened the eyes of many women around the world. Being present in a country where abortion is strictly illegal, and fearing her fathers disapproval and rage, there was unfortunately no other door left open for her, besides suicide. These tragic episodes occur to hundreds of women daily all around the world, as a prime result of guilt.
Remember girls, we are the victims here. Don't feel guilty about making an informed, mature decision. It is a women's right to have a choice; it shouldn't be commented upon by other people.
Okay, fine. I'll admit it. My friend wasn't the wisest of women here, and yes she does have a fair share of responsibility. But let's use her mistake and transform it into a learning curve. Practice safe sex – and keep up-to-date with your contraception. Nobody is saying abortion is the best option – however sometimes it can be your only option. So don't be afraid.
- Shivani Raja

Thursday 24 March 2011

No words to explain...

Okay.. I am officially back after my 'sabbatical' ;) haha! These past few months have been so so busy that I just haven't had the time to blog, bluh.

So here's a quick recap:
So, I finally reached India in time for my sisters wedding! And boy, was I glad! India was the BESTEST. It was just SO much fun! .. my entire family all under the same roof, fun was inevitable! And I'm also glad that everything went as smooth as a smoothie ;) ..

Whilst my visit to India, I thought that it was the best time to do abit of touring, so I visited many world known monuments, such as the Taj Mahal, and the beautiful Golden Temple.. Out of the many, and yes I do mean many, times that I have visited India.. I gotta say that this year ranked top place.

The entire process of my sister getting married, has been so so magical. It has brought me and my family so much closer, and made so many people happier.. My grandma got to stay with her sisters after 40years.. My dad met his long lost cousins.. And I, well I just laughed all the more ;)

I heard that the Royal wedding are expecting 2000+ guests to attend... Well anyone that's been to an Indian Wedding, would know that - that's just standard ;) haha!

This whole 'thing' has been a bit of a learning curve for me, as well as an experience.. I now know that family is very very very important, and that family always comes first.. The respect for my sister has overgrown! I love her so much, and she's someone I look upto and truly admire. She's the big sister, that every little sister dreams of having. And even though that she is now married, she will ALWAYS remain the funny, gorgeous, and should I say, a little intellegent, sister that I love! xxxx

Monday 3 January 2011


Where have the holidays gone?
The looming threat of exams are fast fast approching! With ever-increasing workloads, pressures and constraints.. I feel it is fair to say that I am P-ing my pants... Not for the exams, but in fact why I am not stressed for the exams??! It seems so strange that 2weeks have just flown by and I have done 3days of solid revision at most. What the hell.

Exams are in two weeks, and all I can now do is pray and work I guess.


All the horrors of traveling will be back tommorow! Don't get me wrong - I do LOVE college.. if only it was closer! Anywho - my JP is on pending! Toodles xoxo