Friday 22 April 2011

#100factsaboutme (2)

28) I've lived in... 2 milleniums, 2 centuries, 3 decades and I'm not even 18 yet. How cool am I?

29) I wish my vacuum went "OM NOM NOM NOM" whenever it sucked anything up.

30) I hate when ugly people say "I need my beauty sleep" Bitch you need to hibernate

31) I love stopping the microwave at 00:01 just to feel like a bomb defuser

32) Me and chocolate. The eternal affair.

33) I have recently discovered that depressing moment when you cant fit under your bed anymore.

34) I feel like Marge Simpson when i have my wet hair in a towel on top of my head.

35) I think coffee has been my longest, most successful relationship.

36) Some of you walked in my life and made it better, others walked out and made it f***ing fantastic.

37) I like that attractive face you pull just before you sneeze.. ;-)

38) I am a happy person, not because everything in my life is right.. but my attitude to everything in life is right..

39) I wanna pet panda...

40) I woke up this morning feeling like P diddy, till i realised its 2 degrees outside and im gonna have to dress like a shabby old biddie.

41) When it comes to washing my hair - I wish i was a boy

42) I have fallen in love with j-lo….once again.

43) I secretly still watch Tweenies.

44) I am a shower singer.

45) I don't have Bieber Fever - I have Beiber terminal illness,

46) i'm nice to the weird kid so when they snap.. they'll spare my life.

47) I would trade most of the people I know in real-life for the people I know on Twitter

48) My addiction for The Script has returned.

49) If women ruled the world there would be no wars. Just a bunch of jealous countries not talking to each other

50) Being single doesn't always mean that you're not good enough for anyone, but sometimes means that nobody is good enough for you.

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