Tuesday 19 April 2011


1. This is going to be harder than I thought
2. I hate feet – I actually cant stand them
3. My life consists of eating waffles on a daily basis.
4. Sport just isn’t my thang.
5. I wish I lived aborad.
6. I love lovely lovely funny people!
7. I am lucky enough to know some of the best people this world has ever seen!
8. Family comes before EVERYTHING.
9. I don’t hate anyone.. I’m just not thrilled by their existence.
11. I often sit in class thinking how the hell the teacher got the job?
12. I am NOT a nerd.. more of an Intellectual badass.
13. I am incredibly CLUMSY!
14. Be different and promote Genetic Diversity ;-)))
15. If I don’t laugh then it’s NOT FUNNY…….ok dad?
16. I prefer twitter over facebook………anyday.
17. I think Indian music is miles better than eng 
18. I think common sense is so rare these days, it should be classified as a super power.
19. I hate BUSSES
21. Chilli sauce is.my.life
22. My life is somewhat complete.
23. Movies make me cry way way too much!
24. I think it’s a mission plugging your charger in the dark
25. One day I will find whoever takes my socks in the middle of the night x
26. I hope history repeats itself, I R E A L L Y want a dinosaur.
27. I don’t chase.. I replace. Remember that
Ok, shall finish this of later xoxo

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