Tuesday 6 December 2011

:) x10

Lately in life, its becomming too easy for us to take our blessings for advantage. Many of us have been blessed with fully funtioning arms and legs. But we dont stop to think what we would do without these. I wanted a pair of shoes and when I was on my way to town to purchase them...I stopped. Looked infront of me...and saw a man with no feet. Be happy for what you already have, and remember to thank god for it all. Its often the most important factors we forget to consider.
To everyone reading this, I propose a challenge:

Everyday, find 10 things that make you smile. Here are mine.

1)My family
2) Friends
3) College (it really does haha)
4) Music, esp my iPod
5) My little brother
6) My tweethearts!!!
7) Chocolate (omg what i would do without it, godnoes)
8) Snuggling up on the sofa
9) Still getting a thrill everytime i visit my grandma x
10) Unexpected money coming in just when you need it most.

Your turn.

1 comment:

  1. hii its really nice & its soo sweet of u for mentioning ur tweethearts also over here ..
