Friday 15 April 2011

Why should we Abort Abortion?

My friend recently confided in me about her decision to undergo an abortion, after her one-night stand. My initial reaction was to judge her stupidity. However after several days; she had explained that she was unaware that her contraception was at fault – I began to think otherwise...
Prior to its legalisation in 1973, the subject was, and arguably still has, maintained its position of being one of the most controversial topics in modern day history. With essential arguments from the people who are Anti-Abortion, feeling that it is very similar to murder, there is strong research combined with law which proves that this is not the case.
Many women around the world have continually classified this topic as taboo. But there are also many women who are perhaps in the same position as my friend, that need the advice, and more importantly your support.
The endless talks concerning that it is unfair on the hopeful child that we terminate the mothers pregnancy are all too extreme. Scientifically, and stated, in the Abortion Act 1973; during the first fourteen weeks of pregnancy – when abortion is most likely to occur, there is nothing present in the mothers womb, but a foetus; which in reality are just a bunch of cells. So in reality you are not 'murdering' a being, just destroying some cells.
Statistics reveal that teenage pregnancies have risen by 60% over the past decade, and the rates of abortion have followed. It may be the situation where the parents will disapprove, or simply that you may not be ready. The option to abort the foetus gives teenagers, and even young adults a second chance. Facts, figures and fashion are all things to take into account. But what about the impact it leaves upon women? Every statistic unveils a personal story.
A greater aspect to consider is your financial position. If it is apparent that you may struggle caring for your forthcoming child, surly not to continue with the pregnancy is a thought to acknowledge? Also, if you have been made aware prior to the birth of your child that there may be slight possibilities that your child will have certain disabilities, then aren't you lucky that abortion would be readily available for you and that you can put an end to a child suffering even before it begins?
“I myself have been through this process. I knew inside that I wasn't going to cope looking after a child, it took me many weeks to arrive to this decision. Of course, I was called 'names' for months.. 5years on, I have no regrets. I didn't take a hasty decision..” says Maria, Cardiff.
The recent event of the young, vulnerable African women who faced the terrors of rape has opened the eyes of many women around the world. Being present in a country where abortion is strictly illegal, and fearing her fathers disapproval and rage, there was unfortunately no other door left open for her, besides suicide. These tragic episodes occur to hundreds of women daily all around the world, as a prime result of guilt.
Remember girls, we are the victims here. Don't feel guilty about making an informed, mature decision. It is a women's right to have a choice; it shouldn't be commented upon by other people.
Okay, fine. I'll admit it. My friend wasn't the wisest of women here, and yes she does have a fair share of responsibility. But let's use her mistake and transform it into a learning curve. Practice safe sex – and keep up-to-date with your contraception. Nobody is saying abortion is the best option – however sometimes it can be your only option. So don't be afraid.
- Shivani Raja

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