Tuesday 7 June 2011


1. I let the dogs out. It was me.

2. I love everyone. Some people I love to see. Some people I love to avoid. Some people I would love to throw a brick at.

3. I hate starting conversations. Ugh, I feel like such an annoyance.

4. I love making people feel better about themselves!

5. U smile. I smile.

6. I would do so much for a tap that gave me hot melted chocolate instead of H2O.

7. Whilst we're on the subject - I won't share my iPod. It's an iPod. Not an usPod. Get over it.

8. My family are the most important thing in the world to me. So much love for them <3. Can't really stand people who lie to their family. I think they should be locked away and beaten up.

9. I HATE FEET. My biggest pet peave. Seriousely, cannot stand feet. They make me VOM.

10. Nothing hurts me more than when somebody eats the last cookie. That was a joke. Truth is, I find it r e a l l y difficult to share feelings :S.. so i just avoid it, turns out being happy is a simpler way of life!

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