Friday 29 October 2010

Tiredness killlllss..

Happiness is the feeling you get when you arrive home from college, realising it's a Friday and that you now have 2 whole days off!!! :-))))))))

I know that I haven't blogged in a while bloggers, but its due to the simple concept of tiredness! I think with the cold months fast approaching, and so much work to do for the sisters wedding, I feel as if I've just been overwhelmed!! If it isn't family, it's friends, if it isn't friends its facebook! I am acctually struggling to keeep up with it all!

So, my plan here is to give you a quick summery of my past week..
Tedious. One thing which i have never been able to fully understand is the idea of people falsley comitting themselves to another person at a point in life where they hardly matter!! It's just pathetic. This week, I've broken ties with an old childhood bestie.."bestie" is questionable at this moment in time? But to be perfeclty fair, I AM FINE! I feel great.. Nothings changed.. And i'll have to admit I enjoy devoting time to myself rather than others!

Anywaysssssss.. It's a friday night, and i have NO plans?!?!?!?! What a 'kuffafel' ...

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