Friday 9 July 2010

The starting of an era..

Well guys.. here it goes.. my first ever blog. Im pretty excited about blogging frequently, and also quite nervous. As it's my first ever blog, im not quite sure on what to say.. But i'll tell you how my days been so far.
Well its almost the end of my day, so this will be a good account of what i've been upto. Well since I finished my GCSE's, I have been at home doing absolutely NOTHING. Which was clearly boring in anyone's frame of mind. So, to try and escape this overpowering boredom, I decided to give my room an antire clear out! I've thrown away all my GCSE notes, but some of which have been donated to my younger sister! Anyways, I'm kinda xcited for tommoroe! My family is comming down and we are all going for a picnic at a childhood park! It's gonna be totally awsome! And plus the weather has been on our side the past couple of weeks! So its even more great.
Anywhoooooo, I think im gonna head to bed now.. Kinda tired.. took the biscuits setting up my blog account! But i'm so happy its finally done! Hooray! ...*yawns* Night xxxxx

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