Wednesday, 28 July 2010


So.. I was kinda struggling earlier about what to write today.. and i ended up talking to one of my bestest friends (as always), Sunarika, and she suggested i write about her, and our school ventures!!
Now that school's over, it feels kinda awkward not seeing her everyday, or not working? We used to laugh as much as we work and work as much we laugh! No matter, how terrible the day was, we always used to find a way!
Sadly, she's going to a different college than i am :( which is a SHAME! But nevertheless, she promised to keep in touch :). One of the biggest things im going to miss about her, is the amount of jokes we had togather, it was laughter all around. We got praised as much as getting into trouble! But at the end of the day she and i have both worked hard - and hopefully our grades should reflect this... we'll find out soon anyway *bites teeth* .. I still remember how me and her used to have early morning revison raves to get coursework completed for the.... TODD. And i also remember how she would NEVER be able to wake up for 4am.. and instead she would stay up the entire night and wait for me to wake up at 4am to revise! Hahah...

Another fab time, was our food lessons... i HATED food!!!! Argh. It boils my blood just saying it! There was mountains of coursework.. and we had the WORST of WORSE teachers of all.. (she had a rep!).. and I, used to go home everytime i had a lesson with her! haha.. and so did sunarika, at times! Anyways.. i remember, for our coursework, we had to bake pastry.. and i couldnt be arsed makeing pastry from scratch.. so i then bought ready-made pastry, and whilst everyone was makeing pastry.. me and sunarika just did other stuff like chop vegetables..and when everyones pastry began to take shape, we just got ours out the packet.. got a mixing bowl.. added some flour to the sides (to make it look as if we did it) and then got PRAISED for out flawless pastry!! :D Ahhh the joys!

Anyways, i love her sooo much! We both have worked our ass's off for our final GCSE's and im sooo soo sure we both have done great! I will never ever forget the memories i share with this girly (L).

If i was the drug, then yes ;)

Just a bunch of QQ's :)))))))

Be honest, are you starting to gain feelings towards anyone?
I have many different feelings towards everyone.

If you took a drug & alcohol test right now, would you pass?

Is there a girl you can tell anything to?
Yess there iss.

Is there anyone that always makes you smile when you talk to them?
When was the last time you drank alcoholic substances?
Piss Off.

Will tommorow be better then today?
I'd like to think so..

Do you like to travel by plane?

Is anything bothering you right now?
Not really :)

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you drank?
Chocolate Frab - Starbuckiies.

If someone gave you $1,000 would you spend it or save it?
Dollars are wak, but spend.

Do you prefer to hold or be held?
Be heldddd :)

Do you have any plans this weekend?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?

What's something you're excited for?

Who were you with last night?

Good mood?
Not really.

Have you ever cried from laughing so hard?
To many times

Who was your last received call from?

Whats the last thing you said to someone and to who?
"2 sugars, little milk please" - mum, ofc.
What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Shivni, Shiv

Do you have a reason to cry right now?
Noneeee :)

Do you like getting big hugs?
From who?

Is it easy to make you smile?

What does your hair look like right now?

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
The other day, grr.

If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Nahhhh, not really.

When was the last time you really laughed?
Car Numberplate: "Cool sing with a hot thing"

Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
At birthh

Is there a night you would like to put on repeat, and live it forever?

Is anything upsetting you right now?
Nonne :)

Aside from waking up, what was the first thing you did this morning?
Wondered were my clothes had gone

Do you know anyone who doesn't smoke pot?

If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
If I had to, hm. 2009

Do you think you can love someone without trusting them?

Do you get drunk every weekend?

Do you want to start over with anyone?

When was the last time you were in a very good mood?
Last night

Will you be in bed in the next 20 minutes?

What do you wish you had right now at this moment?
Pizza hut :(

What are your outlooks on gay/bisexual relationships?

Could you go a day without eating?
Probbs not.

Does someone have a crush on you?

Secret about yourself?

Do you snore?

when was the last time you were told you were beautiful?

Would you go out with anyone on drugs?
If the drug was me, then yes ;)

Who is in the room with you right now?

lardi laa <3

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

In a relationship with waffles..

Lately.. I have been consuming waffles alot!! I mean the Birdseye!

My life consists of eating waffles on a daily basis, and i love them! There are soooo many ways you can eat them! For instance..

1) My favvvv - Waffle Sandwhich!
2) Waffles + beans + cheese + chilli sauce
3) Waffles + cheese
4) Waffles + mayooo
5) Waffles + beans

(etc..) .. lists pretty much endless.

Waffles - J'ADORE!


Sooooo my little brother has been seeing me blog recently, and likes the idea of blogging! He's 9 and says "I want a blog." Hmm.. to young? I THINK SO.

Maybe next decade..

Quck post..

So guys.. I haven't blogged in a while :( .. Well not much has changed really.. except for the part that I am now 16teeeeen!!! yay yay yay! Also my sister has this unusual cyst upon her left eye, so she had a minor surgery.. which went fine, but it meant spending my 16th Birthday at the hospital! And whats' worse, is that my grandma, my mum and my sister ALL had hospital appointments on the same day (my birthday) at 3 different hospitals! So i guess you can imgaine whatta nightmare that's been!

Anyways, at the end of the day, I got a gorgeous pair of shoes, lots of cash, and finally a brand new bedroom (under construction, ofcourse)!

Sooooo, I'm off to bed now! Going away next week for 2whole weeks of sun, sea and sand.. yet not packed a pantie! Need to do that soon, as well as get ready for cousins engagement! Next few weeks should be fun ahhh <33333>

Gold vs. Silver

..I have wore gold in the past but I have always been more of a silver fan.. I think this is because I find it easier too wear and I buy alot more silver things so I guess i'm just used too it more..and it blingssss more..

I have this family party on Saturday night (Snore)... Good excuse too buy a new outfit though right? At first I had my eyes set on this beautifull Indian blue frock suit which was on sale, I tried an M on but it didn't fit and they did not have a S so I guess they pissed on my dreams. Instead, I bought a browny maroony frock suit thats both silver and gold.. which is different and it's sparkly!! The heels I bought a while back, they cute! Hopefully I should remind myself to take picture, so I shall post pictures soon. Going to feel wierd wearing both gold and silver together but I am digging clashing right now.

Night bloggers x x

Monday, 12 July 2010


So it was Spain who took this years World Cup! And it seems as the Octopus was right.. Sadly, i didnt watch the game :( - but in my defence it was the most boringest game ever! Im glad football is over, it's been a month of disruption for the TV industry argh! I gave up on supporting teams - During the fottball season, I thought that I had acctually jinxed every team i supported! First England, then Brazil, then Ghana, then Germany! So i didnt support anyone in the finals, and surprise surprise, the next best team won!
Soooo.. that's football over for another 4 years! Im happy Spain won! I would have loved to be in Spain last night, the celebrations were amazing!

Friday, 9 July 2010

The starting of an era..

Well guys.. here it goes.. my first ever blog. Im pretty excited about blogging frequently, and also quite nervous. As it's my first ever blog, im not quite sure on what to say.. But i'll tell you how my days been so far.
Well its almost the end of my day, so this will be a good account of what i've been upto. Well since I finished my GCSE's, I have been at home doing absolutely NOTHING. Which was clearly boring in anyone's frame of mind. So, to try and escape this overpowering boredom, I decided to give my room an antire clear out! I've thrown away all my GCSE notes, but some of which have been donated to my younger sister! Anyways, I'm kinda xcited for tommoroe! My family is comming down and we are all going for a picnic at a childhood park! It's gonna be totally awsome! And plus the weather has been on our side the past couple of weeks! So its even more great.
Anywhoooooo, I think im gonna head to bed now.. Kinda tired.. took the biscuits setting up my blog account! But i'm so happy its finally done! Hooray! ...*yawns* Night xxxxx